Welcome to the Website of the Group of "Lasers, nanostructures and materials processing (LANAMAP)" at the Instituto de Química Física Blas Cabrera, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
We focus our activity on the physicochemical control mechanisms of micro- and nanofabrication using processing techniques based on irradiation and ablation with pulsed lasers. We concentrate on the controlled generation of a wide range of nanomaterials and nanostructures with specific functionalities made of polymers, semiconductors, oxides and polymer/ inorganic composites.
Our work serves to unravel basic laser interaction mechanisms and to propose new experimental methods to control the morphology and structure of the fabricated nanomaterials. We develop new experimental methodologies and computational approaches to extract physicochemical information about the different types of nanostructures. We apply our results in biomedicine, sensing, photovoltaics, electronics, magnetic materials and Heritage Science.
In the field of Heritage Science, the recently created CSIC Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform “Patrimonio Abierto: Investigación y Sociedad” (Open Heritage: Research and Society, PTI-PAIS) undertakes the study and conservation of material cultural heritage through advanced and interdisciplinary scientific and technical research and in collaboration with heritage institutions, cultural industries and public and private stakeholders. Marta Castillejo acts as Coordinator of the Platform (https://pti-pais.csic.es/).
Here is a video presentantion of the Platform, it is in Spanish with English subtitles.